Dear Dad –
As I was substitute teaching today my mind was blown by the actions of young children. The way they spoke to their classmates and the way they spoke to adults, including myself. First of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you to you and Mom for teaching me the importance of respecting authority. I would have never dreamed of speaking to a teacher, substitute teacher, school staff, or bus driver the way these kids were speaking. Thank you for teaching me how to act like a responsible child soon to be adult. I am thankful that you and Mom realized you were raising adults. Thank you for teaching me about actions and consequences. Thank you for teaching me about taking responsibility. Thank you for teaching me about having pride in my work. Thank you for teaching me how to apologize when needed. Thank you Dad.
When the day was finally over I was thinking about one of my new favorite songs by Tim McGraw and Tyler Hubbard. The song is titled “Undivided”. Now since I started substitute teaching last year I have reached a new level of appreciation for teachers. I have also been reminded of the impact teachers have on children. The lyrics of this song remind me of what teachers do for our children. Dad, I think it is time for us all to live out what the lyrics say in the song “Undivided”, not just the teachers. Here are my favorite parts of the song.
I think it’s time to come together
You and I can make a change
Maybe we can make a difference
Make the world a better place
Look around and love somebody
We’ve been hateful long enough
Let the Good Lord reunite us
‘Til this country that we love’s
Undivided (yeah)
We’re all the same to God
No matter what we get His love
I’m tired of lookin’ left or right
So I’m just lookin’ up
Dad, I am praying for this world that Dillon and Lia will live in. I know if I want to see a change for them I need to do my best to make a change. I am praying I can make an impact on some young lives, not just my own children. I promise to do my best Dad. Will you help me out up there? Together let’s make this a better place for all children.