Don’t rush time

Dear Dad –

It’s almost 9:30 pm on Thursday and to be honest I would really just like to take a hot shower and crawl into bed. Instead I decide to continue my consistency and write another blog. Lately I feel like a taxi driver. Driving the kids to school and home. Driving them to practices and games. I feel like I spend half my day just driving one child or the other around. Some days I don’t even want to count the number of times I drive up and down the same roads. I think to myself that I cannot wait until Dillon can drive. This summer he can start the first segment of his driver’s training. However, as soon as I have that thought I then think about him actually driving. I am not sure that I am ready for that. How did you and Mom survive? How did you not worry about us driving? I am sure you both did, but I don’t really remember either of you showing it.

I just have to keep reminding myself that in a few years I will miss all of this. I will miss the chaos of getting them to where they need to be and to be there on time. I will miss them thinking that I still know something when I help them with their homework. I will miss having conversations about the school day, about what happened at practice, and what they thought about their game. I have to remind myself not to rush time. I have to remind myself that it doesn’t really matter if I checked everything off of my to-do list. It will still be there for me to do tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if I decided to sit down and relax with the kids rather than clean up the dishes. What matters truly is that I was intentional with my time with them.

I am forever grateful for the time I got to spend with you Dad. In 2013 I didn’t know that I would be making the choice to be a stay-at-home mom. When I first made the choice it was to really take on my direct selling business and to be at home with the kids. I did not know it would be to also give me freedom and flexibility to come over and visit with you, Mom, and Grandma more. However, if I would not of made that choice I would not of had that quality time. God works in mysterious ways.

So I will continue to drive my kids around and enjoy the mundane tasks. I will take it all in. I will remember to enjoy each moment because they grow up so quickly. I will just turn up the music and enjoy the ride. I will remind myself daily of the most precious commodity….time. I love you Dad.