After a day of waiting for driver’s training class to be over, picking up Lia from cross country practice, going to Verizon, and a couple other errands I am finally sitting down to reminisce. I turned on the Judds, sat in my bean bag, closed my eyes, and let the memories flood into my mind. One of the first was hearing you pull in after a day of work and the Judds playing from a cassette tape in your truck. Or you coming in and sitting down in front of the box fan after a long, hot work day. The memories bring a smile to my face. Your birthday is a day for me to slow down and spend time reflecting. As I sat here writing the rain started to come in the window. I got up, closed the window, wiped the sill down, and sat back down. Then the song “Rocking with the Rhythm of the Rain” came on and my hips started to shake. I started laughing as I remembered you shaking your hips to Johnny Cash. I pray others can learn to look for the positive and hopefully even funny moments during sad, questionable times. Life is too short to live any other way. Each day is a blessing. I want to look for the good in each day. Today my shirt says, “live what you love” meaning the only way to truly live the life is to do and live what you love. Dad, my goal is to truly live life and to not just look forward to the weekends, but to look forward to every day God blesses me with. I miss you Dad, but what a way JJ, the kids, and I can honor you by living what we love. I am thankful I have you as a guardian angel. A side note: the first Judds’ song that played today was “guardian angels” and I didn’t remember that one. Another side note: Dillon starts the actual driving portion of driver’s training next week. You might need to start working some over time up there. I love you Dad. It’s time for us to celebrate you down here. Thanks for the excuse to eat ice-cream again today.
Love you reflections