
Do we ever truly find balance in our life? Balance is my husband’s word of the year. I do think it is definitely something to strive for, but many never find how to achieve it. People are always seeking to find balance between work and family. I know many successful people have been asked how to achieve balance. I think a lot of them would say they achieve balance by time blocking or jam sessions. Time blocking or jam sessions allow the person to be laser focused on their to-do list. They do not allow the phone notifications, emails, or phone calls to distract them. Many successful people wake up at 5 am so they can accomplish more before the interruptions start. I find I need to have a bedtime just like when I was younger and what I expect of my children. Do you have a set bedtime? While all these are important I also feel we find balance by making sure we ourselves are a priority. For myself and my friends who are faith-filled, God is our number one priority. Our next priority should be ourselves. Yes, our number two priority should be ourselves not our spouse or our children. If we don’t make time for ourselves how can we have the energy and desire to give to our loved ones. If we don’t fill our bucket back up and just allow others to keep dipping out of it, pretty soon it will be empty. Now your version of self-care and how you fill up your bucket is for you to decide. Maybe it is reading, listening to a podcast, exercising, sitting in a hot tub, sitting in stillness, or listening to music. Whatever it is make sure you schedule your self-care time. Making yourself a priority will help you find more balance and feel more balanced. One more thing, if you are married I ask you to please make your spouse your number three priority. Yes, your spouse not your children. Your children can be your fourth priority. As a married couple if you are not putting your relationship before your children, things may get rocky. I need to listen to these words I am writing too. I know it is easy to get caught up in the needs of your children and the schedules of your children. However, if you do not make your spouse a priority you are not leading by example for your children. A wise lady (who had been married longer than I have been alive) told me people keep talking about kids these days and how they act like they are entitled. She looked me in the eye and said, “why do you think they act that way?” I, of course, had my ideas and I shared them and she said, “no it’s because you parents are making them that way”. She said, “they see you drop everything for them and they see you make them the number one priority. They are put sometimes before your faith and a majority of the time before your spouse”. She looked me in the eyes again and said, “please stop!” and asked me to make sure I start putting my husband first. She asked that they see me schedule dates with my husband and that I go on them. She asked that I tell my kids, “no, not right now I need to spend some time with your dad”. This wise lady had so much truth to share about our priorities. So please take a look at your priorities. What can you do to find more balance in your life? Trust me it is okay to tell your kids they are number 4 in your life. It will do us all some good if we do!