December 18th

Dear Dad –

For so many, today is just another day. A day to get more Christmas shopping done, a day to wrap presents, a day for kids to start enjoying their Christmas vacation; however, for your family and friends we wake up remembering that you have been gone for 5 years. Today, JJ and I stopped at the cemetery and enjoyed the beauty of the fresh fallen snow on your headstone, grave blanket, and Christmas floral arrangements designed by your professionals (Lia and I). As I stood there in silence as the snow fell, I looked at the sketch on your headstone. It’s been five years, but in my mind I can see you in your truck pulling in driveway. I can see you sitting on the back porch. I can see you stepping out of the garage. I am so glad I can replay the memories in my mind. I can replay your last day and when you gave me that wink. I am thankful for my faith to not be sad on this day, but instead know we have one of the best guardian angels anyone could ask for.

On December 18, 2016, I didn’t know what life would be like without you. I couldn’t imagine you even being gone one year and how we would face all the firsts without you. You taught us how to preserve though and with God’s strength we made it through 5 years. We are still reminded of the things that we took for granted that you did for Mom and the house. We have had some frustrations and some laughter as we have learned new things. Mom and I are sure there are times you are looking down shaking your head and there are times you are looking down laughing at us.

Thank you for the dream I had this week. In the dream, Mom and I were in her car and you were following us somewhere in your truck. We passed a police officer and then we didn’t see you any longer in the rearview mirror. My alarm went off before I knew whether you were pulled over or not. I love it when I have dreams with you in them. Thank you for your flannel shirt. I love to put it on, on this day and to feel the comfort and safety you provided. Thank you for my daughter who loves to remember you on this day with a bowl of ice cream. I thank the Lord for my kids and the memories they share with me. I thank Him for the letter Dillon wrote to you today and the letter Lia wrote to me about what this day means.

Time does go on, but I am grateful for a family who allows me to slow down on this day and honor you. Keep enjoying this show we are providing for you down here. Enjoy watching these kids grow and change. Enjoy watching them become young adults who sometimes display a little of your stubbornness. We love you Dad. Here’s until we see you again.

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  1. Beautifully written. I dread the day I loose one of my parents. Is all one can do is appreciate the time we have with our loved ones while they are still in this world.