Do you set small daily wins?

My most recent post was about writing in your gratitude journal daily and the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude allows you to expect good things to happen. I believe after writing your gratitude list the next step is to write down one daily goal. Yes, just one daily goal. Ask yourself what is the one thing that if you accomplished it today you could feel good about the day. You maybe asking how could one thing make me feel accomplished. Well, it’s because there are so many things that we accomplish without even thinking about them. We all have habits that allow us to complete tasks without us needing to self motivate ourselves to check that task off our to-do list. What I would like you to ask yourself is, what small daily win could I have today. This task is something that is not a normal mundane task. Like I said, I only want you to focus on one. Do you know that when we cannot complete the promises we make to ourselves (the goals we set for the day) we deplete our own self-confidence. So make a goal for the day that will definitely feel like a win when you complete it. If you feel like you are getting off task throughout the day ask yourself, is what I am doing this moment getting me closer to achieving my small daily win. If you answer yes, obviously keep doing what you are doing. However if you answer no, then ask yourself what can I do right now to get myself closer to that small daily win. Please do not allow yourself to have negative self talk about how much time you have wasted or it is already 4 pm what am I going to do now. Instead just ask yourself what can I do right now to move myself closer to completing that win. We need to be aware of the self talk we have (that will need to be a topic for another day) and ask ourselves good questions. Yes, I just gave you permission to talk to yourself. 🙂 I hope you will begin each day with your gratitude list and a small daily goal. Continue on this path and watch your self-confidence grow as you begin to trust yourself and your potential. Now friends please pull out that gratitude journal and begin making your lists.