Here we are friends on the 7th of July. Can you believe that 2020 is half over? I know, I know, this year is not going how anyone planned; however, you can still make the best out of the last six months. So right now, think as though today is your halftime pep talk. You are in the locker room and your team is down by 14 points. What will you do to turn around the outcome of the game? What will you do to have a victory for your team? How can you improve your defensive game? What about your offensive game? What goals will you revise? Take a look at your yearly goals today. Do not be discouraged. The goal doesn’t need to change, you can just adjust the deadline. Once you have reviewed your goals, set a goal to achieve by the 15th of July and then set another goal to achieve by 30th of July. These two goals should get you closer to your bigger yearly goals. To achieve the 15th of July goal write down what your small daily win goals will be for the next 8 days. Then go after it. Go after each daily win. Pray for strength, focus, and discipline. To help yourself achieve the two smaller goals I challenge you to ask yourself at the end of each day, how was your focus for the day. Your energy flows where your attention goes. So did you stay focused or did you allow that little smart phone to distract you? Did you get caught up in the social media scroll? Being aware of what is stealing your attention and energy is half the battle. The second thing I want to challenge you to do is at the end of each week ask yourself, what worked for me this week that I should keep doing and maybe even do more of. Maybe meal planning helped you to stay focused. Or maybe you even put your phone on airplane mode. So many times we just focus on the things we did wrong and we do not reflect on what we did right. Spend some time reflecting on what you did, pat yourself on the back, and if you felt you did really good reward yourself with a special treat. Now get back out in the game. Halftime is over. Put your “jam” on, pick your head up, put your shoulders back, and get ready to fight for the victory. The game is not over yet and 2020 is not over yet. You can still accomplish those yearly goals. Don’t give up!