Happy Summer Dad!

Happy Summer Dad!

The garden has been keeping us busy, and of course especially Mom. She had peas and beans galore, and more than enough pickles. On Thursday we froze sweet corn again. I know you are missing all that work. Lia and I spent the night with Mom. Lia forgot her pajamas and then was super excited when she could wear one of your t-shirts to sleep in (yes they are in the same dresser drawer still). Wednesday morning after Mom had left and Lia was still sleeping I sat on the couch reading my devotion. Even though it has been 3 1/2 years I can still picture you in my mind sitting in your chair. Picture you watching a show and not wanting people to interrupt, picture you laughing, picture you smiling over at me on the couch, picture you throwing your stinky socks, picture you trying to read but falling asleep. I cherish those memories Dad. They are all just simple moments. They are not extravagant vacation memories or celebration memories. It’s the simple things in life. I pray and wish people will realize that’s what’s important. COVID-19 has caused us to slow down and now we just all need to be present in the moment. Not to rush or feel our status quo is in how busy we are. If we don’t slow down and do less how many regrets will we have? Thank you Dad for encouraging me to slow down and reminding me the kids will only be little for a short amount of time. I am forever thankful for the time I had with you before you were called home. Thanks for all the laughs and memories Dad.