Such a time as this. When I first heard the word coronavirus I never thought in the middle of May it would still be changing the way we live. The kids often ask what do you think Grandpa would be doing if he was still here or how do you think Grandpa would feel about all of this. Just a few minutes later they usually follow up those questions with the statement of they are glad that you don’t have to live through this. They worry how it would have affected you with a weaker immune system. Obviously, we don’t have the answers to those questions and never will. It is a time that would have definitely been trying your patience, Dad. I have been praying for more patience. Not necessarily with what leaders are doing or not doing, but instead with your precious grandchildren. 🙂 I pray that the Lord fills me with words of encouragement for them and even for JJ. Our words are so powerful. Despite the sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me little saying; words do hurt. Some words get stuck on replay in your mind. Thank you Dad for affirming me and bragging to your coworkers (really anyone who would listen) about me. You knew how to lift my spirits. I hope I do the same for my children and JJ. I think back to the many years that mom affirmed you. Telling you that despite what the statistics said or what sometimes even the doctors said, you didn’t need to believe what they said. You didn’t need to believe the side affects you read as you started a new chemo or the one time you had radiation. You could beat the odds and most of the time you did, Dad. So now it makes me think about what I tell myself or tell the kids. We are not fighting something like cancer, but we all need to learn how to affirm ourselves. Tell ourselves,
*I do hard things.
*I am enough.
*I fight for joy.
*I chase my dreams.
*I am a child of the Most High God.
Thanks for speaking words of encouragement Dad. Thanks for cheering on the cheerleader.
Love this…