There is only one more day left in this first month of 2021. Can you believe it? Tonight as I reflect on my goals posted on my bedroom wall, I am thinking one down and eleven to go, Julie. I am asking myself what am I doing well and what do I need to change. A lot of the time I think we need to focus on our mindset. I ran across a training from a mentor of mine. She titled it, “It’s all in your head”. It goes like this…
If you change your thinking, you will change your emotion.
When you change your emotion, you will change your feeling.
When you change your feeling, you will change your thought.
When you change your thought, you will change your choice.
When you change your choice, you will change your experience.
When you change your experience, you will grow your confidence.
When you grow your confidence, you will change your life!
In the next 11 months I challenge your friends to think about your mindset as often as you check your phone. Why are we not as concerned about the outcome of our choices as we are about the likes on our social media or our email inbox?!