
In church today I was reminded of the principle of K.I.S.S. and thought this is definitely what 2020 taught us all. I am sure most of you know what K.I.S.S. stands for but just in case you don’t; it is keep it simple sweetie, silly, or stupid. You pick the name at the end. Anyway, the year 2020 and COVID-19 tried its best to teach that across the world. As we were told to stay home and quarantine we didn’t have the extras to entertain us. School activities were cancelled causing us to slow down and not be rushing from one practice or game to another. Instead we cooked together as a family and sat down around the kitchen table. Board games were dusted off and decks of cards. My family slowed down and listened to one another. We read books together and we put puzzles together. We had a cooking schedule for awhile and a scheduled family show night. We did family devotions together and grew closer as we shared many thoughts and feelings. Now I am not saying we didn’t still have the silly arguments and disagreements. Timeouts were still had by children and adults. However, we were keeping it simple. Today, I am watching my children play in the snow. Watching them use their imagination instead of just been entertained by an electronic device. Watching them work together to build snowmen. Yes, the year 2020 did cause some heartache for many and I pray for you and your families. Whether you lost loved ones or financially it was a struggle, I pray for you. I do believe that 2020 reminded us what is really important. So I challenge you and your family to keep it simple. I just told my family the other day after over $400 in charges to my credit card from Microsoft Xbox (charges not made by my family) that we should either just play games or we should go “old school”. You know when you just bought a video game and put it into the gaming system. You did not have to have WiFi or enter in a credit card, you just simply played a game. So how will you keep it simple in 2021? Ask yourself what brought you the most joy in 2020? For me, it was the family time. Whatever it is that brought you the most joy how will you have more of it in 2021? In my house we have declared Sundays as no electronic days. We will put our phones in our outgoing mailbox and are determined to enjoy each other. What can you declare? Do you want build a snowman?