Moments of solitude

I know you are probably thinking after the many weeks of quarantine why would you need solitude. However; my friends how many of you actually, even during quarantine, sat in quiet? Actually sat in solitude without a device, without a distraction? Maybe you are someone who doesn’t enjoy the quiet. Maybe the quiet makes you feel awkward. Do you know moments of solitude definitely benefit you? Why not start a new habit of once a week having a scheduled time of solitude? So many times we are running around just trying to keep up with our schedules, but now would be the time to start. Schedule “me” time to reconnect with yourself. Just like our electronic devices need time to recharge, we need time to recharge our batteries. Pick a time and a place for you to have your solitude. Is there a place outdoors, a chair by a window you like to look out, or a quiet place in your home? It can even be your walk-in closet. Then put your phone down and just enjoy the quietness. Solitude can provide clarity. It can clear your mind of mental chatter. Solitude can encourage creativity. It can allow us to hear our own thoughts. Solitude can help reduce stress and allow you to renew your strength spiritually. It can also allow you to “fill your cup” and in return increase your energy level. With all these benefits it then can help you become more productive and we probably all need that. So please don’t tell me you are too busy because you should never be too busy for yourself. We all need self-care. If we make time for ourselves we can show up better for our family, friends, employer, and coworkers. Friends, pull out your planner or phone and schedule a solitude time today. Your mind and body will thank you.