This past week I read a devotion about encouragement. I often think about encouragement. I am asking myself if I am using my gift of encouragement to really lift others up. Even when a mask is on my face am I still trying to flash my smile to encourage the stranger in the store? I ask myself if the words I am speaking are going to encourage my kids and husband. You see, encouragement is one thing that someone can never receive too much of. This statement was made in the devotion I read and I thought hmmm….so true. We may not always truly receive the words of encouragement, but we still need to hear them. Children and adults hunger for words of encouragement. As we look at the year of 2020, we all definitely need as much encouragement as those around us are willing to give. So I ask you friends, are you encouraging others? Are you doing acts of kindness? Are you paying it forward? I heard on the radio just the other day there was a Dairy Queen (I never heard the location) who for two and half days their customers kept paying it forward. Despite what is going on in the world, one thing stays consistent we all need encouragement. When I am questioning myself about encouragement I often think of a sunrise. Picture a sunrise in your mind right now. It doesn’t matter if that sunrise is over a body of water, a field, or your backyard. Please have the image in your mind. The beauty of that sunrise. The different shades of color in the sky and the sun as it starts to peek in the morning horizon. I want you to really concentrate on the rays of light as it illuminates the sky. Now ask yourself do you have that impact on those around you? Are you the bright light? Are you the ray of sunshine? Are you bringing the positivity to your home and/or workplace? Or are you the dark rain cloud that covers up the beauty? If you are that grumpy little rain cloud I want you to know you are awesome. You are enough! The world needs you! You were created for a purpose only you can complete! Please believe it. If you are the rays of sunshine, keep on shining. The world needs your encouragement.