Power statement

Today friends, I want to ask you what do you say to yourself? If you were to tell me your inner dialogue what would it sound like? Do you need to stop the negative chatter in your mind? Do you say affirmations to yourself or do you think that is all just crazy talk? Do you believe in the power of your words? If someone was talking to your best friend like you talk to yourself, how would you feel? So many times we are stopping ourselves from reaching our potential because of what we are telling ourselves. I remember when I started really learning about affirmations I thought, this is crazy. I asked myself who does this? Then I started to research more and more about it and guess what…many successful people say personal positive affirmations to themselves everyday. So I started and stopped, and started and stopped. One of the biggest issues I had was I didn’t believe what I was saying. While I was saying an affirmation out loud each morning in my head I was saying, “who in the world are you kidding, Julie”. I was self-defeating myself even more, so I stopped. However, I keep learning more and more about our self-talk and the importance of it. Now as my children are older I have definitely witnessed what self-talk can do to ourselves. As my children have become active in sports, what they are saying to themselves controls their confidence; which in turn controls the outcomes/results. I have watched my son and daughter both tell themselves that they cannot hit the ball and/or make that shot. Guess what…when they are up to bat or taking that jump shot, if what they just said was, “I can’t….”, they don’t. Now I am not saying just because you tell yourself “I can” that it is going to happen. However, you for sure will have a better chance at accomplishing it if what is coming out of your mouth is positive. Recently, my husband was sharing a story with my son about his high school basketball playing years. When my husband was practicing with his basketball team he kept missing all the shots he took. He started telling himself he had no offensive game. He told himself he was not a good shooter. He decided to focus just on his defensive skills. Now as an adult (the pressure is off when he is just playing a game of HORSE with the kids) he realizes he has nice form and a nice shot. He told our son but all those years I told myself I couldn’t do it, and I couldn’t because I had already defeated myself. What is it that you are holding yourself back from? What are your children, loved ones, or friends holding themselves back from because of the inner dialogue? Stop the negative chatter in your head and start saying positive words to yourself. Lead by example for your loved ones. As all the cools kids are saying now, “good vibes only”. Maybe you feel strange saying an affirmation. Maybe you are like I was at first and your mind won’t believe it. My advice is to start slow. Only pick a power statement. If you are a person of faith, pray about what that power statement should be. When we are guided by the Lord to that power statement we are more apt to believe it. Please comment if you need help with a power statement. I would love to help you. Examples of some power statements: I can do hard things, I am enough, I am worthy, I never give up, I deserve to accomplish my goals. Pick one power statement and start saying it each morning as you brush your teeth. Believe what you are saying. If you have children, maybe sit down with your children and pick one out for each of them. Say it to them each morning and ask them to say it with you. Remember friends, you are bold, strong, and capable.