
Last summer I heard Ed Mylett speak during a virtual conference I was a part of and after his 20 minutes of speaking I was impressed. I even shared the replay with my husband. Later on that day I researched Ed Mylett and a few days later listened to a short message of his. Until this Monday I hadn’t pulled up his podcast. Funny how we find something good and powerful and often times quit doing that powerful thing that could help us. Anyway, Monday I was feeling a little blah and thought about listening to a personal growth podcast. I was searching for the right one and then thought oh yeah, Ed Mylett. I pulled up one of his shorter podcasts from a couple years ago. He was speaking about goal setting. I wasn’t sure if that’s what I needed to hear since I have my goals for 2021, and they are even hanging up in my room. However, I kept listening and soon I was taking notes. I am going to save some of his nuggets for another (maybe for a halftime goal pep talk) day. One thing that stood out I wanted to share with you all. Ed Mylett said to not only write your goals but next to each of them write the reason for that goal. Yes, for each goal have a reason. I know as I think of my goals I have a reason in my mind but I have never written the reason right next to the goal. I have never taken the reasons from pencil to paper. His reasoning for this is that distractions will come. Let me say that again, distractions will come! It is not for if the distractions come, it is for when the distractions come. Then on the days you are reviewing your goals in the morning, mid-day, or evening and you don’t want to work out, you don’t want to read, you don’t want to drink that water you look at the reason listed and the fire is ignited again. The reason triggers a visual of you having that healthy body, you having quality time with your family, or you giving to an organization because of your choices that then become habits. The reasons need to be bigger than the distraction. Maybe your child’s face flashes in your mind and in that moment you can make a choice to push yourself rather than throwing in the towel for the day. So you guessed it, my goal poster came down and I wrote my reasons underneath. I highly suggest you do the same. Don’t be average. You were not made to be average. Not a single one of us. The average person doesn’t even set goals and certainly doesn’t set goals with reasons. Break the mold and live out your calling!