What do we all have the same amount of no matter what….time. We can never get more time or save up time. Many people probably wish they could bank time and even gain interest on it. Despite the fact that you cannot increase the amount of time it is the most valuable commodity. As soon as we are born our expiration clock starts ticking. Time doesn’t stop. Time doesn’t slow down. Deadlines can be missed. Over the years I have heard many people, including myself, say they needed better time management. Friends, I want to tell you nobody is truly good at time management. Nobody will truly find balance between work and family. Instead it’s about having great habits. Once we have created great habits, then we must be disciplined. I have found that it is easier and I am more productive in concentrated amounts of time. I had this thirty minute sand timer (until a child broke it) that I would use for my concentrated focus. The sand timer was a good visual, but not distracting like a phone can be for a timer. When I used my phone and then picked my phone up to check the timer, then I would allow myself to get distracted. Anyway, I would schedule three 30 minute time slots of concentrated focus. During this time I would not allow for distractions. I would have my to-do lists prepared fro the 30 minute time slots before they began. During this concentrated focus you can accomplish more than a full day of interrupted time. Do you get to the end of the day and regret the time you spent watching Netflix, scrolling on social media, or the time spent just putting out fires instead of completing tasks? So could you schedule at least two 30 minute time slots tomorrow of concentrated focus. You know, when you have concentrated focus you can actually work smarter not harder. The most successful people in life do not work 8-9 hours a day. Instead they have concentrated effort and focus in scheduled time blocking. This concentrated time can give you more time with your loved ones. Each day is a gift. How will you use the time that is gifted to you?