Train it well!

I ran across a note from a training I heard a few years ago. I do believe that the right slips of paper or the right notebook are found at the right time. This short little training is powerful and definitely something I needed to reread. My quick second thought was to share it with all of you. Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well! You can start training your mind by these eight simple habits.

  1. Read every day.
  2. Focus on high level tasks.
  3. Make your health a priority.
  4. Learn from people you admire.
  5. Plan your day the night before.
  6. Keep your goals in front of you.
  7. Take action even when it’s scary.
  8. Have a powerful and inspiring why.

The eights habits are not listed in any order. Maybe you already have some of these habits in place or maybe it is just the list you needed to see. I would suggest picking a habit or two to start with and focus on consistently following through with that habit. If the habit is more of a daily task try to stack the habit with a task you already do. For example, planning the next day the night before could be stacked with the habit of brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth at night is already a habit you have in place. So stacking the habit of planning the next day right after you brush your teeth will help you complete it. As soon as you start brushing your teeth start making a mental list of the things you want to complete. Once you are done brushing your teeth pull out the notebook or phone to write the list down. Stacking an old habit with the new habit will make the new habit easier to consistently complete. The new habit will just become a part of your nighttime routine. Feel free to share your habit stacking or ask any questions you may have. Use that mind to work for you and not against. Train your mind just like any other muscle in your body, with consistency. Consistency is the key.