
The other day I was walking from my kitchen into the living room when I noticed my daughter’s tin of confetti cake putty sitting on the foot stool. I was about to holler down the stairs to her to have her come put it away. Instead, I decided to sit down in the rocking chair and open the tin up. I began to play with the putty. I stretched it, waded it up into a ball, made it snap and crack, enjoyed the foam beads in it, and enjoyed the scent of the confetti cake. I thought to myself how often do we stretch ourselves too thin just like the putty until it tears. Why don’t we sit for a minute and pick up the putty or word search. It reminded me of a good friend of mine who runs a successful network marketing business. Every day she has a scheduled power nap. Every day! My personal growth coach once told me that people should not feel guilty about a power nap, a bubble bath in the afternoon, or just relaxing on your deck. If we schedule for it in our day then we should not feel guilty. It’s when we don’t schedule it into our day that then we do not truly enjoy that time (we are not present in the moment). Instead, we play a guilt trip on ourselves that we should be doing something more productive. However, friends we all need time to unplug and this time will actually allow for ourselves to be more productive. Don’t feel guilty about resting instead just put it on your to-do list. A challenge I would give you and/or your family is once a month (to start out with) have a day that you completely unplug. Phones and all devices are turned off or put away. TV is not turned on and you enjoy the simpler things in life. Maybe it’s a good book, a bike ride, a walk in the woods. Maybe it’s playing a game of HORSE, a board game, or cornhole. Schedule a day a month and enjoy your family, God’s creations, family fun, and laughter. Just unplug!

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  1. I love this! It’s been on my mind lately to make a schedule and be more mindful of what I’m doing. After reading this tonight, I’ve decided that’s exactly what I’m going to do tomorrow. Make a schedule! Thanks for sharing!!❤️

    1. Leah, I am just reading your comment. So I wanted to check in and see how the schedule was working? 🙂 Hope all is well with you and your family.