What brings you joy?

Choose joy is a common saying on t-shirts, notebooks, coffee mugs, etc. I think during this COVID-19 time choosing joy is even more important. We should have it plastered all over our houses. I am sure you also have heard of the saying, what you think about you bring about. Your mind will go in the direction of your most predominated thought. You are in control of your attitude, which in turn controls your perspective. However, do you know what truly brings you joy. Throughout the day you may need to have a mental shift. You may need to check your attitude. You may need to find something new to focus on instead of just all the negative news. So how can you make that shift and make that shift quickly. First you need to know what brings you joy. I was recently encouraged to make a list of 10-15 things that bring me joy. Your list can be longer; however, right now I just want you to list the things you can still accomplish during our “stay home” quarantine. Post this list on your refrigerator, near your desk, or even on your phone. Then when you are struggling glance at your list. Can you accomplish one of things that brings you joy? Or maybe you can even just visualize completing that task. I hope you will decide to choose joy!

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