What really matters….

Currently I am a part of a book club and reading a book titled, “Do Less”. I was drawn to this book club because I have definitely learned through different training that the most successful people actually do less. They just guard their time better than most of us. I have a tendency to say “yes” to too many things. My mom would say I just have a desire to be more active and involved in different outreaches where she is content working in her gardens, yard, and house. In this book the author talks about what would your calendar truly reflect about you. If she were to come to your house and look at your phone, planner, and/or calendar what would it truly tell about what matters the most to you. What would your calendar show that is taking up most of your time? Are you saying “yes” to too many things? Are you stretching yourself to thin because you won’t say no? Are your priorities out of whack? Today friends I ask you to take some time to make a list of what really matters to you. Don’t just make the list in your mind or type it on the notes section on your phone. Don’t just type it on your laptop. Please actually write it out. If you are not sure where to start think about the relationships that are important. Relationship with God, relationship with your spouse, relationship with your family? Is it your circle of influence? Is it working out? Spending time serving? Spending time investing in personal growth? Just sit and think and keep asking yourself over and over what truly matters to me. After you have the list made from here on out before scheduling something, before saying yes, before committing I want you to ask yourself does this align with what really matters to me. If the answer is no then don’t schedule. Life is too short to not be aware of what truly matters. Life is too short to schedule things that don’t align with your “matters” list. Please make sure friends that your calendar is a true reflection of what matters most to you.